from Crystalinks Website

Djwal Khul (also spelled 'Djwhal Khul', 'Djwal kul' etc.), in Theosophy, is a Tibetan Master of the ancient esoteric religion.


He is a member of the 'Brotherhood' of Mahatmas, who are the spiritual guides of mankind and the guardians of ancient cosmological and metaphysical teachings. These esoteric teachings form the origin of all the world's great philosophies, mythologies and spiritual traditions.


As a Mahatma, Djwal Khul is working mentally for the furthering of spiritual evolution on our planet, using his highly developed powers of meditation, or siddhis. At the same time, he leads an outwardly normal life among ordinary human beings.


Members of the esoteric Brotherhood were said to be the hidden founders of the Theosophical Society in 1875.


Role in Neo-Theosophy and New Age

Early in the 1920's, the cook at the American Theosophical headquarters café, Alice A. Bailey (1880-1949), began writing Neo-Theosophical literature which she claimed to be receiving telepathically from a Master later to be revealed as Djwal Khul (spelled by her 'Djwhal Khul').


This Master, she said, was the one responsible for the revelation of esoteric truth in our time.

In the past, he had worked through Madame Blavatsky, a co-founder of the Theosophical Society, to whom he had dictated substantial portions of the material presented in her magnum opus, The Secret Doctrine (1888).

Now it was the 'disciple' Alice Bailey's turn. Her work for the Hierarchy of advanced beings, to whom Djwal Khul belonged, would help prepare the way for the 'Reappearance of the Christ', and would be the second in a series of three revelations meant to usher in the New Age, the Age of Aquarius. In a preface statement attached to Mrs. Bailey's books, Djwal Khul ('The Tibetan' or D.K.) describes himself as an abbot of a Tibetan monastery and the spiritual preceptor of a large group of Lamas.

He lives in Northern India, near the borders of Tibet. Other than that he seems reluctant to give out any personal details; his books are clearly about the alleged esoteric truth of his teachings and not about his own personage.

Without entering into a discussion of the specifics of this vast teaching, it can be mentioned that Djwhal Khul is a Master on the 'Second Ray of Love-Wisdom', an Initiate of the sixth degree, and an advanced disciple in the spiritual (i.e., non-physical) Ashram of the Master Koot Humi (K.H.).

He is said to be engaged currently in setting up his own 'Second Ray' Ashram. As the name of Djwal Khul became more widely known through the work of Alice Bailey and her group, the Arcane School, he became one of the Ascended Masters of the various New Age sects and movements.

Like Mrs. Bailey, the leaders of these groups may claim to be in direct contact with him and other 'Masters of Wisdom', and to be working as their disciples on the physical plane. They also give out new information about the Master, such as the identity of his previous incarnations (Lao Zi, one of the Three Wise Men etc.).

This said, Djwhal Khul is more often than not a comparatively modest figure in the 'Pantheon' of groups not directly connected with the Arcane School. And within the Arcane School itself, he is treated primarily as a teacher and not an object of devotion.

The origins of his name are uncertain. Although khul is a Tibetan word meaning 'region, jurisdiction etc.', the name does not seem to be of that language. 'Djwal' may perhaps represent the Sanskrit jwala-, meaning 'light, flame or illumination', while 'khul' might be a rendering of the word kula- 'group, family or community'.


Treated as a Hindi name, the final a's of both words would be silent; thus jwal kul. These are, however, mere speculations.






from USNISA Website

In 1919, during the month of November, I made a contact with Alice A. Bailey and asked her to do some writing for me and also to undertake the publishing of certain books which - under the sequential giving out of truth - were due to appear. She refused immediately, having no sympathy with the flood of so-called occult literature being passed out to the public by the various occult groups, having no experience in writing for the public, and having also a profound dislike of every form of psychic writing and of psychic work.


Later, she changed her mind when I explained to her that telepathic rapport was a proven thing and a matter of scientific interest, that she was neither clairaudient or clairvoyant and never would be and that (above all) the test of truth was the truth itself. I told her that if she would write for a period of a month, the material transcribed would prove to her whether it contained truth, whether it evoked intuitive understanding and recognition and whether it had in it that which might be of value in the new spiritual era which was impending. She, therefore, overcame her disgust of this type of work and of the many occult presentations of truth which were prevalent; she only stipulated that the writing should go out with no claims whatsoever and that the teachings should stand or fall on their own merits.

The first book published was Initiation, Human and Solar.


This was the result of her first effort to do this kind of work; it laid the foundation of all the succeeding books. Since then she has written for me for nearly twenty-five years. The books have gone out in line with a deep, underlying purpose which it may interest you to know about and they have received a worldwide recognition.

Initiation, Human and Solar was intended to bring the fact of the Hierarchy to public attention. This had been done by H. P. B. by inference and statement but not in any sequential form. The Theosophical Society had taught the fact of the [778] Masters, though H. P. Blavatsky (in a communication to the Esoteric Section) stated that she bitterly regretted so doing. This teaching was misinterpreted by later theosophical leaders and they made certain basic mistakes.


The Masters whom they portrayed were characterized by an impossible infallibility, because the Masters are themselves evolving; the teaching given endorsed an engrossing interest in self-development and an intense focusing upon personal unfoldment and liberation; the people who were indicated as initiates and senior disciples were entirely mediocre with no influence outside the Theosophical Society itself; complete devotion to the Masters was also emphasized - devotion to their personalities.


These Masters were also shown as interfering with the organization life of the various occult groups which claimed to be working under their direction. They were made responsible for the mistakes of the leaders of the groups who took refuge under such statements as: The Master has instructed me to say, etc., the Master wants the following work to be done, or the Master wants the membership to do thus and so. Those who obeyed were regarded as good members; those who refused to be interested and obedient were looked upon as renegades. The freedom of the individual was constantly infringed and the weaknesses and ambitions of the leaders were provided with an alibi.


Knowing all this well, A. A. B. refused to be a party to any such constantly recurring activity, for such is the history of practically all the known occult groups which attract the attention of the public.


Even had I wanted to work in such a way (which no one affiliated with the Hierarchy ever does), I would have found no collaboration from her.